Lunch & Learn - The Warm Up: Discovering the Path to Optimal Brain Health

Join us for our upcoming Lunch and Learn session as we delve into the fascinating world of Brain Health. In this session, we will explore what this term means, why it's important, and how we can optimise our brain health for a better quality of life. 

To provide valuable insights and expert knowledge, we have the pleasure of speaking with Martina Meyer zu Selhausen, the founder of Viatitude Health. Read on to learn more about what to expect from our upcoming webinar and gain a deeper understanding of the crucial role that brain health plays in our lives,

So, what is meant by the term brain health and is it a subjective concept that varies among individuals?

“Brain health generally refers to the organic health and function of the brain as well as mental health. The concept of brain health is to some extend objective as the organic health of the brain can be measured with brain scans, and cognitive health can be objectively tested. However, the perception of what brain health is can vary among individuals.

Different people may have different priorities and definitions of what constitutes good brain health. Some may prioritise mental sharpness and cognitive function, while others may place greater importance on emotional well-being and mental health and -resilience.Furthermore, factors such as age, genetics, socio-economic context as well as cultural factor’s can also affect an individual's subjective perception and experience of brain health”

Do you think in recent years, has there been an acceleration or deceleration in the attention and discussions surrounding brain health?

“In recent years, there definitely has been an acceleration in attention and discussions surrounding brain health. This may be due to several factors, such as an increased awareness of mental health issues - not only post-COVID lockdowns. Advancements in neuroscience research, an increasingly ageing population and an increase in the prevalence of chronic illnesses that are associated with brain health issues later in life such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes II are increasing the focus on brain health and brain-related diseases. Not only due to overall increased longevity has the prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer disease increased. Modifiable lifestyle factors are becoming increasingly the focus for prevention of disease and increase of health span.

There has also been a growing understanding of the importance of mental health and emotional well-being in the context of overall brain health. Conversations about mental health include more and more topics such as nutrition, lifestyle, stress as well as the connection of organic brain health and mental health”

Considering this, are there any common activities or habits that individuals may already engage in to improve brain health, without being aware?

“Yes, several common activities or habits are very conducive to brain health, which peoplemay not be aware of, such as:

Firstly, regular physical exercise, such as brisk walking, running, or cycling, can improve brain health by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain, promoting the growth of new brain cells, and reducing the risk of age-related cognitive decline.

Furthermore, eating a healthy diet, rich in high quality protein and fats, leafy green vegetables, nuts and seeds, fermented foods and berries can improve brain health by providing the necessary nutrients and antioxidants to support brain function – while maintaining stable blood glucose levels.

Also, getting enough high quality sleep is essential for brain health, as it allows the brain to rest and for any debris to be removed from the brain by the glymphatic system. Lack of sleep can impair cognitive function, memory, and mood as well as cardiovascular health. Lastly, managing stress through activities such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises can improve brain health by reducing inflammation and promoting neuroplasticity, the ability to adapt and change.

So, how does the health tech field intersect with brain health?

“Health tech can support brain health at different points in a patient’s journey. One of the most significant areas of intersection is in the development of technologies and devices that can improve brain health or treat neurological conditions. 

For example: Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) that measure or stimulate brain activity, Wearables that measure a person’s activity or blood pressure, Virtual Reality technology in the treatment of PTSD, Brain Stimulation for neurodegenerative diseases or igital Health platforms, such as Telemedicine. 

The point on a patient’s journey where health tech and brain health intersect in the case of Viatitude Health is before a person actually becomes a patient. Viatitude Health is an algorithmic tool that modifies user behaviour to improve and maintain their organic brain health and reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease later in life”

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